Friday, August 14, 2009

Still feeling the side effects, but hanging in there. Today Mac woke up with fever so we were in the clinic most of the day. His counts are pretty good though, so that kept us out of the hospital for now. He's skinnier than ever (can you believe it) but I keep telling him when he feels more normal we're gonna beef him up!! He's not really hairy yet either. The doctors keep checking him for a horse tail. (That's usually good for a laugh even when he feels bad.) The effects he's feeling are a result of the ATG that he got for 4 days last week, coupled with the fact that he's decreasing his dose of steroid. I guess the steroid sort of kept some side effects at bay and now his body is saying "what did you put into me?!" Hopefully he won't be too miserable too much longer. But they keep telling Mac how great he's doing overall.

Mo is planning on staying home to oversee the renovations we're doing to help 'debacteria' the den and Mac's bathroom. His mother is helping him with Peter and Annie there. My sister Ana is coming to stay with us here - it's time for some reinforcements!

Thanks for all the notes, pictures and packages. Even on bad days Mac asks if we should check our mail box! On one hand it's hard to believe we've been here a month; and other times it feels like years. Keep up the praying. I'm sure they're being heard upstairs!


  1. My name is Gretchen Morris and I am friends with the Lathams. My son Carter was treated at St. Jude for AML when he was an infant. He is now a healthy 6 year old. I am sure that you already know this, but Mac is in the best hands possible. St. Jude will always be in my heart and I credit them with Carter's health. Line changes and meds will get easier with time and the line is worth any amount of care to prevent all of those needle sticks. I actually still have Carter's and he loves to look at it knows that is how he got the scar on his chest. I have been following your blog and praying for Mac and your family. Please feel free to contact me if you ever want to talk. 504 828 5622 or you can e-mail me

  2. hey barb and mac. it was so nice to see mo, peter and annie for a minute today at the club. but i cannot wait to see the 2 of you! thinking of you both often and praying always! chin up mac, you are still my hero!

    much love, liz :)
