Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Mac has had a bit of a rough 2 days since we got discharged, all of which was expected. He basically feels like he has the flu - chills then sweats, nauseousness, achiness, some shakiness. It makes keeping all the medicine he has to take hard to keep down. But he's managing well and still isn't complaining. In the clinic they are very reassuring to him that he's doing great and whatever symptom he has they try to address with a solution. Today was better than yesterday, and we're just taking it one day at a time.

I'm getting better at dressing changes, line flushes and giving shots! It still makes me nervous, but with my manual out, I just go step by step.

I know Peter and Annie are having a good time seeing everyone from the neighborhood and having Mo home with them.

Thanks for your continued support and prayers!


  1. Hang in there Barbara, we know this must be so very hard for you too. Don't forget to take care of yourself. Tell Mo to take pictures of Annie & Peter on their first day of school for you.

    Keep the faith and know we are constantly thinking of you and of course, Mac is in our prayers. Don't hesitate to call us for anything you guys might need. Prayers are a given.
    Much love to you,
    Jodi & Baron Schwing

  2. My name is Melanie Hebert and my son Jack finished CBS in May. That's how I heard about Mac. My daughter Maggie was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor in December and is undergoing treatment for that in NO at Children's. I can relate to a lot of what you've posted (transfusions, side effects) and also learned some about what the other patients I've seen at Children's are going through. Just know you're not alone and if you'd like to email me about anything please feel free. My email address is mhebert608@gmail.com. Hang in there and take it day by day.
