Wednesday, January 27, 2010

We heard today that our 10 out of 10 match did not pass the physical. Mac has a 9 out of 10 match as a back up that is now being put through the process. If they pass the test, we'll be a couple weeks later in the process. If not, it's back to the drawing board. As they explained to me, he is "open" in the search part, so if a great match comes in, they will get a message. Back to the waiting game for us.


  1. We will continue to pray. Keep the faith. God will answer our prayers.
    Jodi Schwing

  2. I am so sorry to hear that, I can only imagine how disappointing it is to get that news. I will pray for a successful transplant from a healthy donor no matter what the rating. Maybe there was a reason that the first match did not work out and Mac's body will love what he gets from the new donor.

  3. Oh that must be just so hard to hear. But like GSMorris wrote, there must be a reason. God knows what he is doing. We'll keep praying for you guys. In the meantime, get ready for the superbowl!!! Lots of Love, Tita'

  4. Hey Barb,
    How do you find out if one is compatible?
