Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I haven't forgotten to update, there's just not much to report. I meet with our BMT attending on Friday so I'll know more then. Mac is feeling good, going to school and PT and clinic. We're getting him in shape because the stronger he is going in, the better. (That was Mo's idea, and the doctors agree with him!) Today he had school and we went to see a movie. He's been craving hibachi, so we've been to Shogun twice. (Whatever it takes to beef him up!!) In the meantime it's the calm before the storm (are you having deja vu from my July posting?!) And since the weather has reached the double digits (no kidding - it was 9 degrees one day last week!) it's more bearable to be outside and go places!


  1. Hang in there Carr family - we are all praying for you.

  2. I hope you had a great birthday yesterday. Peter played well last night, I know it was b/c he was playing for his Mama!! Love you all!!

  3. Hoping Mac is feeling well & has a better appetite these days. Hope Peter gets good news from CBS. Always praying for you guys.

    Love from the Holmers
