Sunday, January 24, 2010

Here's a big cheer from Memphis.... GO SAINTS!! We're gonna be watching when the Superdome levitates, stops for a poboy and flies on to Miami!!!


  1. Hi Mac,

    I picked the Saints back in August, so I am pulling for them to win tonight.

    You look good. Keep getting better and stronger. We are praying for you.
    Tell Mom, Dad, Peter and Annie Hi from us.

    Take Care
    The Cottrell's
    Brett, Diane, Jared, Nicole and Emily!

  2. Hey Mac, Who Dat!
    from Mikey

    and Cappy says..everyone says hi!

  3. Hey Mac, Looking good man. Love the pennant! Go Saints, Mission: Miami!!!

    The Schultz's

  4. You look wonderful holding up that Saints banner....We do love our Saints & they are Superbowl bound !!!! YEA!! You take good care .... ...Keep the faith..Jane Francois family

  5. Who Dat! Love the Pic!
    Jodi Schwing
