Monday, January 18, 2010

BMT update: It is actually called a Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant or HSCT. But we still refer to it as a Bone Marrow Transplant. Mac will go into the hospital on Feb. 10 for about 5 days to get his immunosuppressant. (They will not be using ATG this time!) Then he'll go back in on Feb. 23 for chemo and on March 4 he will get the donor's bone marrow. His match is a 10 out of 10 so that's an advantage going in. We don't know anything about the donor and they don't know anything about Mac except that he's an 11 year old male. (After 1 year we are free to contact each other.) At some point at the end of January he has to have his single lumen changed to a double lumen. He also has a schedule full of appointments, scans, evals, and of course school and PT. He's feeling pretty good and we are just trying to make the most of our 'freedom' until we go back in. He's mastered the Rubik's cube in his spare time! You can see his cheeks are almost back to normal.

Thanks for checking in and praying. Hope you are enjoying the day off if you got one!!


  1. Great Picture! Great News!! The prayers are working!
    Jodi Schwing

  2. March 4th is a GREAT day! It is Dave's Birthday! So that will be Day 1 for Mac! We will be praying and thinking of you all till then!

  3. love the picture and the smile! Mac, will you teach me how to do the rubics cube? We keep praying! Maybe we could strart a prayer wave, like they do at ball games.

  4. Glad to hear he is feeling good. Finish Strong! We are always praying for you guys!

  5. Great job on that Rubics cube - I could NEVER get it!!! Thanks again for the updates and as always y'all are in our prayers! - the Mcs
