Thursday, June 17, 2010

Mac's labs were checked at NO Children's Hospital yesterday. His Hgb was down a tiny bit, his platelets were down a bigger bit, and his ANC plunged down. Ugh. So we are continuing the shot of GM-CSF on the lowest dose until we go to Memphis in two weeks. Why do the numbers seem to plunge down, but creep up? When will they jump up?

On a different note, Mac had his 10 minutes of fame Sunday when he did a live interview on the local news as he drew a name for the St. Jude Dream Home furniture raffle. If I can get a link to the footage, I'll post it. He did a great job!

That's the roller coaster plunge for the day. I really thought we were getting out of the woods and bam! we're right back in. Oh well. Keep praying and maybe we can recover from this drop soon. Thanks!


  1. I have lit candles at every shrine and church we have visited. Now starting a litany to all the saints we have seen. i.m bringing back Lourdes water for Mac. MM

  2. You and your family continue to remain in our prayers...Keep the Faith....Jane Francois & family

  3. I am so sorry to hear about the ANC drop, hopefully it will have recovered and gained some before Mac's next draw. I know that you are going to drive yourself crazy worrying about it until you get better news so I will throw in some prayers for your sanity as well as Mac's recovery.
