Saturday, May 29, 2010

Back from Memphis. Mac's counts were up a bit and his chemistries were fine! Creeping, creeping, creeping up... I'm ready for the counts to jump up to normal but his bone marrow seems to be taking its time! We took Peter and Annie this time; they are entertained by St. Jude. Annie especially likes the hop scotches painted on the floors in the hallways. It was a quick round trip and involved a lot of time in the van. We are decreasing the shot to the final dose, and will check labs again in 2 weeks (here). The big news of the trip was that Mac can get off of the low-bacteria diet he was on (all the kids at St. Jude are on it) and he wants to celebrate with an Icee! I learned a lot from that diet as far as bacteria goes... you may want to stay away from Chinese buffets - old rice is a Petri dish! And ice/drink machines in restaurants - who knows when those get cleaned! Yuck. I could go on & on, but then you might think I'm turning into a germaphobe....

Thanks for reading and checking in with us! More of the same. Going in the right direction. Can we speed up the process please? I would really appreciate it! Keep praying!! We are very thankful to you!


  1. Congrats on the progress, moving forward slowly is still moving forward. Glad that you had a safe trip and I will keep praying for Mac's marrow to speed up the recovery and to get back to normal.

  2. Congrats on progress. Colin mentioned Mac came to Christian Brothers and was very excited to see him. We continue to pray for your family. Glad you are home.
