Saturday, July 3, 2010

Yay! Hooray! The report from Memphis is really good! What happened last time, we're not sure! Different labs, different days. Who knows. As Martha said, if we were to run labwork on anyone every 2 weeks, there would be ups & downs. This time, his ANC was up again, so we are ending the GM-CSF shot. Mac is very excited about that, needless to say. He's been getting this shot consistenly for 11 months. And that is my least favorite RN task... Hopefully his ANC will stay at a satisfying level and we won't have to reintroduce it. Mac's hemoglobin was 10.5 this time... the highest we've ever seen it! We've been given the OK to slowly start him back on regular exercise and strengthening of his muscles. We're getting closer to the "normal" levels, although his line and his platelets (104,000) keep him from playing contact sports in the near future.

Thanks for all the prayers! If you feel like this roller coaster is giving you whiplash, I agree. It's constantly moving, plunging, changing. I'm really ready to coast to the exit now. But this last year has taught me many things, and at the top of the list is to enjoy the ups because no one knows what's looming around the next curve. We'll check his counts again here in 2 weeks and then back to Memphis in 2 more.

10.5!!! Come on 11!! Come on platelets. Hang in there ANC. Keep praying. Thank you for checking in with us! And have a very safe and happy 4th of July!


  1. Love the great news!!!! Will keep praying for all of you....Jane Francois & family

  2. I am so happy for the wonderful and encouraging news!! Hopefully it is the beginning of the end and his marrow will just continue to recover while Mac gets stronger.
