Saturday, September 5, 2009

It’s Saturday night and it’s been great for us to all be to together. On Thursday when Peter, Annie & Mo got to St. Jude, I was sitting in the main lobby reading and waiting for them so Mo let Peter and Annie out of the van. They ended up sneaking up on me and surprising me, causing quite the commotion downstairs! The security guard ran to get them toys and coloring books and they ran up to Mac’s room to see him and Ana who stayed one more night with me!

We’ve made some more progress with Mac. It’s been a roller coaster because it seems there were always 2 different problems going on. Something viral definitely played a part, but the last result is that Mac has contracted C-Diff which is a bacteria in his intestines (we actually all have it present in our intestines, it's just when it gets out of control that it's a problem.) It’s very common in hospitals and nursing homes because people with low immune systems are very susceptible, as well as people who are on antibiotics. It really got a handle on him and his recovery will be one day at a time. He’s eating a little, but not because he has an appetite. He’s still feeling bad, but his fever seems to be subsiding. It was crazy this week as we’ve gone through several different possibilities and had to rule each of them out.

It has been good for him having Peter here to play games with and Annie to entertain him and be his nurse. And P&A have had a good time because if you aren’t actually sick, St. Jude can be a fun place. They have met our favorite nurses, visited the the gift shop several times and they love the cafeteria (or food court as Peter calls it - it really is nice.) I told them they couldn't leave Memphis until Mac gets discharged and they agreed - we're all in this together. Peter wants his buddy to feel better and Annie just hates to see him sick!

Thanks for checking in with us. Now we need double the prayers - first for recovery from this setback and second for recovery from the big thing!! But I know there are lots of you out there and we'll be heard if we just pray enough! I hope you are all having a good weekend.


  1. Hope Mac is feeling better and enjoying having his whole family together.
    We also hope you liked the video from us..
    We are praying for you everyday - Love, The McAdams!!!

  2. Bonjour! Je a'mapelle Benjamin Morrison.

    Attention please If you all go to Chilles Restaurant on September 28th they are donating all there profits to St. Judes so if you are looking for a place to eat out that week go to chilles on Monday September 28th because of reasons listed above.

    Hope you are doing well Carrs. Tell Mac I said that as La Saillian Brothers through our Christian Brother school know that all of his la saillian brothers are praying for him. (He also has Presbyterian prayers too)

    I am not completely sure of my funny story for today. I went to the beach this weekend and while fishing of the dock I caught this little fish, but I could not get it of the line. I kept trying to grab the fish and un-hook him, but he was really slimmy the fish kept slipping out of my hand. So I just let him sit in the water on the hook until my cousin came out on the dockk and un-hooked him.

    Au Revior,
    Benjamin (the not very good at french) Morrison
