Monday, September 21, 2009

It was a rough weekend for us, but Sunday afternoon things got calmer. Today Mac had an MRI to see what was going on in his brain. We'd heard grumblings all weekend about PRES syndrome, which is what the MRI confirmed. This basically means the seizure happened because of the steroid, the cyclosporin, and his elevated blood pressure. So now he is on a BP medicine through his IV as well as an anti seizure medicine. They are taking him off the cyclosporin for now. His demeanor has changed - he's very irritable and sensitive to light and touch. However, the R in PRES stands for reversible, so it will take time but the real Mac will reappear. I assume we'll be in ICU for a while now. They are doing another EEG tomorrow just to make sure he is not having anymore sub clinical seizures and will do another MRI next week. There are still other issues, but they are being maintained and have taken a back seat to his brain - his very funny, very smart 11 year old brain.

Mo and I are hanging in there. The nurses in ICU make sure you take care of yourself while they help take care of your child. The doctors here persevere no matter where the path takes them. The deacon and priest from St. Mary’s have been a tremendous source of strength. But, our long road just got longer which means your prayers just got even more needed. Thank you as always for thinking of us, praying for us and checking in.


  1. We are thinking of you all// STay Trong .. do not give up.

  2. We continue to pray & think of you. Keep the faith.
    Jodi & Baron Schwing

  3. I just got a phone call from a friend that the prayer candle website I included had a typo. Sorry everyone who ran into a dead end. It's (not .net) Click on the link "light a candle" and then do a search for the group named "Mac". His page (or pages) of candles should come up and then you can light your own and say a prayer. Please keep praying for Mac and the whole family whether it be with these prayer candles or in some other way that you prefer. The power or prayer....just think about it for a moment. The power of can be amazing.

  4. Now that you have some answers hopefully the doctors can move forward with a plan to get Mac better. I will keep sending up prayers for Mac and your family.

  5. Mac - You have ALOT of people here in Jacksonville, FL keeping you in their hearts & prayers!! Mo, Barbara, Peter & Annie - you too!!

  6. You remain in our thoughts & prayers....God Bless you all...
