Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sunday - July 19th

Thanks for all of the comments and prayers. Something a lot of you have been asking about is blood donation and Bone Marrow matching. Here is our simple, non medical understanding of what is needed: Mac is an O+ (that is also my type.) If I or anyone else donates, it will not necessarily make it to him. Of course donating blood is a wonderful thing to do and just by being in the hospital I see what a valuable asset blood is – something taken for granted in everyday life (St. Judes uses an average of 10,000 units a year). The same goes for Bone Marrow donors; apparently it’s a simple blood test and getting your name on a list somewhere that you may or may not be called up for. But it’s an incredible thing to do if it could save someone’s life. In Mac’s case, they are looking for as close to an exact match as possible (Peter or Annie), but if they don’t match and drug therapies are not doing their job, we may go to a close match (from a stranger) in about a year. That being said, there are other cases where exact matches may not be as important so becoming a possible donor is a nice thing to do. I hope I’m getting my point across… we can’t really tag anything specifically for Mac, but someone somewhere did their part a while ago and it has benefitted us at this time. So, if you’re in the mood to do something positive and are physically able, please dontate blood and we’ll look more into the Bone Marrow donor info and fill you in on what we find out.

A lot of you have asked about lawn mowing. Right now, the Latham’s have agreed to mow our lawn so if anyone wants to help, please speak with them. Peter and Annie are up in Alexandria with Barb’s Mom and have lots of family up there with them. We will let you know if anything changes.

Mac likes to get emails from his friends (especially jokes), his email is

We’re taking it easy this weekend and want to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers.


  1. Having been a Med Tech working in a bloodbank a long time ago, in a prior life, I have a suggestion. Many Blood Centers do blood drives to provide "replacement" products to give a patient "credit" for blood products they have already used. I'm not sure exactly how the local blood center can or would coordinate with St. Jude. I will call in the morning to get some details as to if this would work. If so, it doesn't matter what blood type you are, you can give as long at you meet the health criteria. I'll let you know more when I find out. Take care, Bonnie

  2. Thinking of you all often! Do you think Mac could use some games? Does he have games to occupy him where you are? A friend of ours spent time at St. Jude and after she was home for a while she had a "game drive" to send to the place where they stayed.
    I wish I could send him his "Remi Bear" and make it all go away!
    Let me know!
    Love , Julia

  3. All,

    Hang in there and remember that the Mac Carr network is COLOSSAL!

    Cheers and Love,


  4. Hay Mac its Ryan Fife from school i heard about your condition at my new school we are praying for you.
