Friday, July 17, 2009

First Update

After a whirlwind 3 days, we find ourselves at St. Jude’s Research Hospital in Memphis. Mac (11) has been diagnosed with severe Aplastic Anemia. This is not leukemia, but it is a serious disease where his bone marrow is failing to produce all three types of blood cells he needs. We arrived at St. Judes Wednesday morning (at 2am). They did the bone marrow aspiration Thursday and we got the results today. We have the weekend off for some R & R. Monday, Mo & I have to go get some bloodwork done and Mac has to have his checked. He will have his checked @ every 4 days to keep track of his numbers. There are still some lab results that need to be received so we have a 10 - 14 day window of maintaining the status quo. Unlike Leukemia, this a slow wait & watch program. After all results have been processed, they'll come up with a plan. A) Bone Marrow Transplant (if Peter or Annie are exact matches) along with drug treatment or B) Drug treatment only for about a year and if not working, go to a BMT that is not an exact match. We're looking at 1 1/2 years of on & off treatments at various times. I'm praying one of the kids match b/c that seems like it provides the best outlook.

We are staying at the Grizzly Hotel for the next few days but will probably move to the longer term apartments next week.

Mac is in good spirits and he told me tonight, “is it kind of weird that I’ve been real healthy for 11 years and now I have this disease?” I said “yes, but…” and he finished my sentence with “that’s life, right?” That pretty much sums it up!


  1. We love you all!!! You all are constantly in our hearts and prayers. We miss you!!!!!!


  2. Please know we are all on this journey with you. Whatever you need from here, you need only to ask. We will continue to pray for your entire family every day. Please send Mac our love, and thanks for the update.

  3. Is there anything we can do as far as the BMT? i can we all go about being tested to see if we are a match? I called the kids Doctor about this and she didn't really know....I would love to get us all tested.

    Glad you like the blog. No thanks necessary!
    Have a restful weekend!

  4. Love you! We are praying everyday. Mikey said to tell Mac hi and that he is praying too. Also, to look at the dedications in the book he sent... I know you know, but whatever you need, just say the word.

  5. This is an excellent idea! Now I won't have to bother Rosina all the time. Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this challenging time. I'm just going to miss you guys so much after seeing you every week through baseball season. Harrison is very sad and wishes Mac a speedy recovery. Meredith wants Annie to sleep over. Let us know if there is anything we can do.

  6. We love you guys and are praying for EACH and EVERY one of you daily. We are here if you need anything...along with the wonderful families of St. Matthew Parish! You are in our thoughts, hearts and prayers. Stay strong and faithful. And thank you so much for putting this BLOG together, it will help with our worries while being so far away. Sleep well, we will be back soon!

  7. Hey Mac, Mo, Barb - Hope you feel better soon buddy! Praying for some good news here. The blog is a great idea - its awesome that your friends were able to put it together. Love Uncle Willie and Mayumi.

  8. Thinking of you. You are certainly in our prayers
    The Schwing Family

  9. Hi Mac, Mo and Barb, The Hatrels are all praying for you all and are here to help in any way we can. We feel confident that you are in the best hands you can be in up there, St. Jude and our Blessed Father. Keep up the good spirits and thanks for keeping us all posted! This blog makes me feel like I'm right there with you, I know you can feel the presence, too, of everyone wishing you love from back home! There's lots of us! Bonnie

  10. We're thinking of and praying for you every day, Love, Brian,Dawn,Patrick,Kara,Michael

  11. Hello Guys, Know that you are all in our thoughts and prayers everyday! Please let us know if you all ever need anything! Mac is a true fighter and one tough kid! You are an amazing family who is surrounded with much love! The Weilbaecher Family

  12. You are in are hearts and Prayers each day. I hope you are comforted knowing that we are all in this with you. If you need anything, you know it's only a phone call. Love, "the Handy Boys", (and Scott & Yshanne)

  13. You are all in my prayers & thoughts. Let us know about the BMT testing. So many people are willing to donate if we are a match for Mac.

    I believe in the mircales of St. Jude so you are in the right place. The Youngs (Shontell, Cole & Cade)

  14. Hi Barbie, Mo, and Mac....Please know you are in our thoughts and prayers. Mac,keep being such a great patient. We are so proud of you and miss you! Love, Aunt Elena

  15. Hey Car Family. We love you and are praying super hard for Mac and all of you. Mac stay strong and know that we are all here for you. Anything at all that your family needs just let us know. Love ya'll, Alison Costanzo

  16. HELLO, Carrs long time no see. If yall need someone to watch Peter and Annie let me know. (I can drive now, But don't worry I am a pretty good driver excepet for that mailbox that moved right behind me as I was Backing up) Know our prayers are with you. Even though we are Presbyterian I hope our prayers still count as much and If not we will pray doubley Hard

  17. hi mac its cappy

    hope you feel better soon boop beep boom bye bye

  18. Sending you love from the Michel's. We are thinking of you. Last night mom & me pulled up to Tower - hard to believe that was only 1 week ago that she saw y'all there - and she laughed when she saw Black & Gold's measly Tulane selection :) We are praying for you every day. We are all back here in The Ridge rooting Mac on and waiting to hear what else we can do to help & support him. God will provide. I love you! ~Kelly Michel & family

  19. Hey Mac, Barb and Mo, I love the blog, Liz did a wonderful thing for you guys and it helps us too! As everyone else has said you all are in our thoughts and prayers. We all hope Peter and Annie are matches. Let us know if you need anything! Rickey said he'd cut the grass on Sparrow Ln. for you!:) That's funny he doesn't cut ours!!! Welove ya'll, Rickey, Bridget, Neil and Gavin

  20. hello barb,mo,and mac. the bogans are praying and praying. with all of the prayers, just from the ridge alone, i feel that you are truly blessed.there are so many people here who love your family and we are all here for you all. i think that my first post got erased.

  21. Hey Guys! Hope your Sat. went well. Cory said he will help Ricky with the grass on Sparrow or do anything else you may need. Sleep tight and talk to you soon. We love ya'll, Dawn, Cory, Cameron and Kayla!

  22. The Tullier Family want you all to know you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. There is certainly strength in numbers. We certainly are available if any help is needed!

  23. Hey Mac ! We are thinking about you and we know that you will do fine with all of this! Keep up your good attitude and I hear execellent manners too! Love, Miss OSHA, OXOXOXOXOXOXOX

  24. Mac and Barb -

    Mark Latham told me he has started training for the St. Jude FULL Marathon and I am going to join him for the training and see if we can get a few side bets going!

    Please know our prayers are with you.

    Eric, Jennifer and Meghan Rigby

  25. We have all the lawn care taken care of. We put some lawn fertilizer down for two reasons. One, so that Mac will grow stronger and get better soon. Two, so that all these lawn promises get kept. If no one cuts the lawn we get get paid $10.00 ea. per cut... right????

    Christian, Ryan , & Matthew
