Tuesday, February 23, 2010

We made it back Sunday and had school and clinic yesterday. His platelets continue to move up, now we really need his hemoglobin to kick in... and soon!!! Mac's only outing when we were home last week was to get beignets at Cafe Du Monde. He'd been wanting some and he tells everyone here what a beignet is.

Please keep those positive vibes and prayers coming our way!! I feel like his bone marrow really wants to work!!


  1. Fun!!! We love beignets!!! More prayers for you guys that things keep going in the right direction. Love, Tita'

  2. it was so nice to see you and mac on my run on saturday! i pray for those numbers to stay on the up and up!!

  3. Love those numbers rising! The picture looks like there may have been lots of powdered sugar being blown around? Tell Mac, I agree that beignets are a great treat!!!! Glad you were home....even more glad we got to see you!

  4. So glad you were able to come home to enjoy the beignets. Glad to hear that the prayers are working. Keep up the great work Mac!
    Jodi Schwing
