Saturday, February 27, 2010


Yesterday in the clinic, they brought him balloons, and this tshirt, which he will wear today. And the best present of all is that his labs looked good yesterday!!! Small steps on the road to bone marrow recovery!

Since I do all the "talking"on the blog, today I thought I would interview Mac so you can hear from him....

ME: How do you feel today, your 12th birthday?
MAC: 12-ish
ME: What do you want for your birthday?
MAC: stuff
ME: What kind of cake do you want?
MAC: chocolate
ME: Any words of wisdom for your fans out there?
MAC: Nope
ME: Want me to stop asking you questions?
MAC: Yes.

Ahhh... such complex and insightful answers. You can see why I have done all the writing the last few months!! Thanks for checking in and praying. I think he'll get extra blessings (and hopefully extra blood cells) on his birthday!


  1. Happy Birthday, Mac!! Hope those counts keep coming up!

  2. HAPPY B-DAY!!!! We all hope you have a Happy and fun birthday!I can not wait until you come home next. Keep on fighting Mac, and do not give up,God works in strange ways.

  3. Happy Birthday !!! Loved the "interview"....a man of few words....too cute....
    We do pray things continue to improve ... Take good care & God Bless ...Jane Francois & family

  4. Happy B-day Mac!!! You have the same birthday as Ana my sister (your mom's 1st cousin). Hope you got a lot of "stuff". Carinos, Tita'

  5. Happy Birthday Mac. BTW what is a beignets?

  6. Yeah Mac, Happy (Belated) Birthday! This is just a week of birthdays...Mr. Dave's bday is today! Holy Cow Barb...a 12 year old...i cannot believe it! are you ok?? ha!

    Grow Marrow Grow!
    Love you all!
    Liz :)
