Sunday, February 26, 2012

We survived Mardi Gras and made a quick trip up to Memphis at the end of the week. Mac's counts were stable, Hgb still at 10.5 and platelets hovering at 85K. Dr. Wang and Martha noted that Mac had quite a growth spurt the last few months, so therefore we are not decreasing the Tacrolimus at this time. His milligram-to-kilogram ratio is actually decreasing due to his growth. To keep the medicine constant, we'd have to increase it. I just told them that he's outgrowing his medicines, just like all his pants!

Mac turns 14 tomorrow, and in the St. Jude birthday spirit, the wonderful staff of the H Clinic sang to him and gave him balloons, a card, and the ever popular "A Star Was Born Today" tshirt. I know I have said it before, but H clinic is Mac's Cheers bar: everybody knows his name!! We will always be thankful for the incredible people who work there.

That's the report for now. We'll check labs here in about a month and then we'll see if we need to go up around Easter or if another check can wait until May. Thanks for checking in with us and for keeping us in your prayers!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Mac! You are always in our prayers.

    Jodi Schwing
