Sunday, December 6, 2009

We had a great time this weekend with the members of Team MacAttack descending upon us! First the business - our team was 6th in fundraising with over $31,000 raised. That is so awesome and again, it's all thanks to you all: our blog readers and biggest supporters. (St. Jude quick fact: it takes $1.5 million a day to run the hospital.) Here's the official poster with our name on it...

....and our plaque. "Running for a reason" with art created by a patient. Need I say more?!!

Our signage - getting ready for the race. The route took them right by the Target House and Mac & I wanted to be prepared!

Team MacAttack cheering section (Mac, Jane, Gail, Laura, and me. And Eric who was taking the picture for me.)

Now for the runners. I couldn't catch them all because of their supersonic speed. But here are a few of the ones I was able to capture.

Mo stopped by to give Mac a hug and say something like "you'll be running this next year with me!"

Phil and Mark race by with a quick High Five!

Raye has too much energy for mile 10... How about the full marathon in 2010?!!

Tiffany and Susan give a quick wave & smile as they dash by!

Santa Sarah stopped for a chat

Ann & Stacey trained hard but due to injuries chose to walk and enjoy the day!

At the Heroes' Lounge after the race....
Mark was the only member who did the full marathon this year! He ran for the reason!! And he looks so great....way to go Mark!!!

Here's a really bad picture of most of the team members after the race. We'll get the official copy in the mail and scan it in. Team MacAttack got interviewed (with Raye as our spokesman) about fundraising and being a St. Jude Hero. Maybe they'll be seen on the Today Show or Oprah...

The Scotts lookin' good in their post race prom pic...

Same for the Lathams

Maurie & Willie had a great time!

Later that evening, we got together at Susan's aunt's house (Patricia Flynn - who is a doctor at St. Jude) for some relaxing and Memphis Barbeque. Here are some of those party pics.
Susan and her cousin Kenny

Raye and Rigby

Phil and Mo

Raye, Mark (and Phil - yes, you're in the picture)

Sarah and Mac relax after a long day.

Rigby and Susan doing a little cleaning up

Ann, Stacey, Gail and Maurie visiting

And last but certainly not least, these are our wonderful hosts, Tricia and Jerry Flynn. Thanks again for a fun & delicious evening!

Hope you enjoyed these pictures. I think all of the members of Team MacAttack plan on returning next year. Maybe some of you out there would consider joining the team and 'running for a reason' also!


  1. I just ran into Raye at CVS and she was tellng me all the wonderful stuff from this weekend! and i have to say that next year i WILL run!! My goal is to run for team Mac Attack next year!! yeah!! and will be running with us!! whoo hoo!!

    Great job, Mo, Phil, Raye and all the other fabulous team mac attack runners!! GREAT job!!

  2. Great pics!! Way to go Team Mac Attack!!!

    Jodi Schwing

  3. I am so proud of the team. Wish I could have run it, maybe next year I'll be able to keep up with them. The pics are fabulous and look like everyone had a great time, ran for a great reason! GO ST.JUDE RESEARCH HOSPITAL!
